Here's How You Can...
"Manifest Your Life's Dreams And Passions With Unstoppable Clarity, Focus And Certainty...
Even if nothing’s worked for you before”
Dear Friend,
Are you tired of the struggle with having and being enough? Are you ready for an expanded, more peaceful and more abundant life? If you answered “Yes”, read on,
It’s A
This is NOT Your “Garden Variety”
Manifesting Course
If you’re looking for the “be more, do more, have more“ variety of abundance program, this is probably not what you’re looking for. But, if you’re ready to dig deeper and discover a whole new level of what abundance really means, then this could be a gift of an unimaginable value for you. What you believe plays a large part in what you create.
But when you embody what you believe, that’s where true transformation comes in. Unless you embody the shift, you’ll be spinning your wheels over and over again. Now is the time to connect mind Heart and body together to experience true transformation and lasting abundance.

The Power of The Heart Field
My partner, Susan Castle shared what has become one of my favorite phrases. “Your heart will never fail you“. The moment I heard her share those words, I knew they were timeless. And they were beyond the mind and far beyond our day-to-day struggles with what we "think" we want, and what we think makes us happy. The good news is when you get in touch with this incredible life force energy within your Heart, something miraculous happens.
Everything begins to come into alignment.
At first it takes a little bit of practice, but the more you experience this amazing power of your Heart, you will never be the same. So I've decided to create a new program that takes you through the steps of discovering, nurturing and mastering this precious life force energy within your Heart. It will bring people together from all parts of the world to practice and share the skills and experiences of the Heart Field.
“If you're willing to set aside your current way of seeing and thinking, then you'll have access to a whole new world”
Which Of These Benefits Will You Enjoy Most?
Imagine having one of those stressful days when you're just not yourself. Instead of 2 more cups of coffee or trying to "push the stress away", imagine this instead...
You measure your Heart energy with a simple App. It gives you immediate feedback how your Heart/Mind/Energy system is doing (while you're de-stressing at the same time!)
And all it takes is 60 seconds!
I know this personally because I've done this simple practice dozens of times when I was super stressed and every times the stress drops! (in 1 Minute!).
And you can use it anywhere, anytime.
You can use it at work or home - because it's so easy to use.
If any of your friends or family are stressed in any way, they can feel the stress melt like butter in just minutes.
You don't need to be a meditation or Heart expert to get the benefits of the new Serenity App.
But it gets even better...
Because we're not testing just the physical energy of the Heart. We're testing the very energy of life itself. In other words, its not one dimensional. Every heartbeat carries information.
And we can measure the very life force in each beat of your Heart in the comfort of your home or office. And at a fraction of what it normally costs elite athletes, performers, and high end clients.

Heart Resonance - The New Standard in Mind/Body Healing
When you're stressed, your mind and Heart fall out of alignment. But when you're in flow, everything sees to fall into place for you. You feel good. Your decisions come naturally. Your connections with people go smoothly.
Sometimes, if one thing goes wrong, it can wreck your whole day.
But what if?
What if you could shift back into flow in just 1 or 2 minutes, so you could get back into momentum to create the results you want most

Heart Resonance - What is it and how can it help you?
At the center of this flow is what is known as Heart Resonance. Simply stated, when your mind and Heart are in balance with each other, you feel the resonance between them.
It's based on the field of HRV (Heart Rate Variability) - considered by the world's leading doctors, researchers, athletes and peak performers to be the world standard in Mind/Body performance and healing.
Scientific Proof
There's a new scientifically proven (and well researched) breakthrough in Mind/Body healing. It's called Heart rate variability (HRV) and it's been called the most accurate measure of our health and longevity.
Heart rate variability (HRV) has become the new standard of assessing the effects of stress on your body. It is measured as the time gap between your heart beats that varies as you breathe in and out. Ongoing research evidence increasingly links high HRV to good health and a high level of fitness, while decreased HRV is linked to stress, fatigue and even burnout.
Up until recently, it's only been used it to measure the physical aspects of the body. But the real breakthrough is how it can be used to help you re-connect with your core and master the stressful aspects of your life.

Example of Heart Rate Variability
HRV is the leading indicator of our health and longevity and is proven in many leading universities, clinics, and research labs across the world.
- 50+ years of research
- Over 10,000 Research studies
- Millions of real world measurements

The Doorway To Optimal Energy
And Well Being

The image above shows the point when resonance happens within your mind and body. There's a unique pattern of breathing that helps activate this resonance. It's not the same for every person, and it would be very difficult to discover on your own (without very expensive EEG and ECG equipment.)
But with the new Serenity Program, you'll discover your resonance point in just minutes (and at a fraction of the cost of normal methods). This is part of the mission of Serenity - to make this kind of discovery available (and practical) for people of all kinds - not just the "elite".
The benefits?
When this occurs, your Heart awareness is activated and your mind automatically lets go and you feel a deep sense of inner peace. Your overall energy increases. But something else wonderful begins to happen.
Your brain is bathed in renewed energy that comes from your Heart. Oxytocin, serotinin and other powerful neurotransmitters flow through your brain and body in just minutes and you come back into flow. You feel creative, inspired and your vibration has increased dramatically.
You feel connected, inspired and part of the Oneness of all creation.
There are few experiences in life more powerful than that feeling!
Which of these benefits will Serenity help you most?
How to overcome "The Not Enough Effect" and stop its life-draining effect on your career, relationships and your health
How focusing on "only on results" causes suffering and heartache (and what to do instead) How the energy of gratitude can be scientifically proven and how to harness its power to create astounding results Why most manifesting methods fail - and a method that works 100% of the time
The 3 biggest causes of financial self sabotage (these easily avoidable pitfalls will surprise you) How to eliminate "scarcity mentality" and turn on your "prosperity circuits"and how to prevent energy reversals that compromise your results
The proven way (and the wrong way) to create your manifestations - (knowing this single concept will save you days and months of struggle) How to escape from the trap of "cause and effect" (waiting for things to show up to feel better and be happy)
Why "wanting" and "needing" actually repels what you want - and the specific thing that you can do to align your core energy with what you want and allow it to manifest
Why your feelings are far more powerful than your thoughts - and how to tap into the power of your feelings to create the results you want
The one secret that most people are never aware of that will spell the difference between failure and success

It All Begins With Serenity

When you use Serenity, within just minutes, you'll begin to feel the stress of your day begin to melt away. And with daily use, you'll be able to remain calm - even when stressful thoughts or events occur.
This daily practice with Serenity does three important things for you...
1) It dramatically lowers your overall stress levels and decreases your blood pressure - the number one cause of heart disease and ill health.
2) It opens up your creativity and feeling of aliveness and passion
3) It gives you a profound sense of connectedness and clarity

KatIE LamB | Healer
"I absolutely love this program!"
I absolutely love this program! It gives me the opportunity to see where my energy level is at. It helps to bring focus to my breathing. When I have focus on my breathing I become heart centered. As we go through our day the everyday stressors can and do affect our energy. Serenity brings me back to focus with my breathing which helps to eliminate my stress. This app is one I highly recommend.
~ Katie Lamb, Boise, Idaho

Melinda Streicker | Mind/Body Coach
"I felt an amazing energy shift"
As a 67 year old woman who has 16 surgeries, multiple personal trauma events, and facing an uncertain future I turned to Serenity as tool to help me open my heart and clear my mind. I found extremely easy to use. I felt an amazing energy shift and my body relax. It is a short and simple way of getting feedback immediately. I began to use the app as a daily ritual and have found myself more peaceful, focused, sleeping better, more productive and my world is opening up in ways I had only imagined.
I highly recommend trying Serenity that has a myriad of benefits way beyond the obvious!
Melinda Streicker - Northbrook, IL

"Brings me back into the present moment"
The Serenity program has been a great tool to check in and assess how present I am in the midst of my busy day. It helps me recalibrate my Heart Resonance which really helps to bring me back into the present moment. I love that I can do all of it right from my phone without having to get any other extra accessories which I have not experienced with other apps.
I especially love that it's an excuse for me to take brief moments throughout my day to simply pause and check in with myself which inevitably helps me be more productive in the long run. The Serenity program has been a great tool to check in and assess how present I am in the midst of my busy day.
Ginette Slaiher - Arlington Heights. IL

"The possibilities are infinite"
"As one quickly develops a working relationship with their easy-to-use Serenity program, they begin to understand and appreciate its potential and import in bringing to their attention systemic (body/mind/spirit) issues that are reflected in their HRS score.
Over time, the user experiences the program's ability to reliably measure their unique situation by bringing to their attention the need for a correcting action, suggesting balancing responses, and confirming that action's effect on their overall wellbeing. The possibilities of this kind of accurate, reliable feedback tool for wellbeing are infinite and only depend on compliance by the user."
Dr. Greg Hitter, PhD - San Luis Obispo, CA
The Serenity Program Includes:

Module 1 - The Serenity Experience
This module forms the core understandings of the Serenity program. You'll learn the origin of Serenity and how it can help you move beyond the limits of the mind and emotions.
You'll discover how to "tune-in" to how you feel and realize how old programs and memories often drive your thoughts and actions. Just becoming aware of this effect of the mind automatically frees you and gives you instant energy. You'll learn how to use the Serenity Breath in your daily life to release old emotions that hold you back. And you'll experience the power of living in the present.
Just one moment of this inner peace is enough to transform your entire day.
Module 2 - The Power of Living in The Present From Your Core
From our earliest years, we are conditioned to believe in limitation, struggle and dozens of beliefs that aren't even ours. These old "programs" can hold us in the past just like a "ball and chain" (even though we may try to push forward to escape their grasp.)
As you learn how to let go of the old programs, you free your mind and emotions and experience the beauty of living in the present moment. Each time you're present with yourself, you free up old "pockets" of stuck energy and transform them into clarity and breakthroughs.
Module 3 - The Power of Emotions and
Your Heart's Deep Wisdom
Your Heart has access to wisdom far beyond the mind. This "inner wisdom" can pull you through the darkest times and also inspire you to discover your purpose and live your life dreams and passions.
It all begins with one simple shift of awareness (from mind to Heart). As you discover this "reservoir" of wisdom within you, you will let go of the old paradigm of suffering and struggle. Then you'll experience the Serenity within your own self. Once you've made this shift, you will never want to go back to your "old self".
Module 4 - Transforming Negative Emotions And Energy
You'll learn how every negative thought and emotion holds a gift for you. In other words, what we often call "negative" experiences are really just messages for us to become aware and re-connect with our true Self.
Imagine when a stressful event occurs in your life and instead of causing more stress, you shift and remember to step back, breathe into it, and transform it. This simple step will free you in ways that will astound you.
Module 5 - The Power of the Serenity Daily Ritual
Imagine waking every day feeling refreshed and energized - knowing you have plenty of energy to create your ideal day. That's what this module is all about. You'll learn how to begin your day with:
- The expanded Serenity Breath (to revitalize you)
- A new way to journal called "Serenity Sessions" (that help you reconnect with your Higher Self for inspired insights and breakthroughs)
- Neuro-Emotional Clearing (to clear old dis-serving patterns)
- The Power of Integrating the Negative Polarity (this is one of THE most powerful processes that I have ever learned) - and once you understand what it is and how to use it, you will be astounded how old problems literally dissolve and you feel clarity in all parts of your life
Module 6 - The Core Serenity Exercises
In this module you'll learn how to go even deeper into your core. In other words, your Soul's Essence. From this place of deep wisdom, you can release years of karma, stress and old programs that have held you back from being your authentic self.
- Discover the true power of Heart vulnerability and how it can help you allow the gift of unconditional love
- The power of "emptying yourself " (this ancient process has been used by the Masters to let go of the limits of the human self so you can experience your Divine Essence)
Module 7 - The Amazing Power of The Serenity Field
You'll learn how to create a "Serenity Field" (a powerful field of Divine energy that dissolves negative energies of all kinds) to energize your own home or office. Imagine each day you wake, your home feels light and inspired. Your family and friends will notice this shift from the very first day you "activate" it with your intent.
Once you learn how to create a Serenity Field, you can help your friends do the same. Imagine how that could transform our world, one home at a time!
Module 8 - How to Start Your Own Serenity Group
Once you've learned the basics of Serenity, you can begin to share the benefits with others. You'll learn how to sponsor your own Serenity Group (for free) to help uplift and inspire your friends and family members.
You'll learn:
- How to start your own group
- How to share the Serenity Breath process
- How to let people process and clear negative emotions
- Help people rise above the noise of social media and "bad" news
- and much more
It's easy to begin and you'll get far more than you give from having your own group. Serenity Groups are growing across the world - and you can tap into the amazing field of energy of people who live from their Hearts and make this world a better place to live.
If you really want to get good at anything, you share it with others - because as you do, you force yourself to master the concept. And you move beyond "concept" into experience. That's when you expand your skills to a whole new level.
Then you begin to...
Module 9 - Living in Serenity
Once you begin to Master the basics of Serenity, you awake each day into the Serenity Field within you (as well as your home). Even when "problems" pop up, you're automatically reminded to breathe the Serenity Breath and process the feelings you feel.
In other words, every "negative event" is seen as a gift and an invitation to transform and grow. Your Soul then has the freedom to evolve (the very reason it came into this life!)
You then become a leader by example - living the energy of Serenity for the sheer joy and love of the experience.
From this place of Serenity within you, you are unstoppable. Your Heart is your guide every step of the way. The mind steps back and is your servant (not your master).
And you become a beacon of light in this world.
Special Bonuses
(When You Order Now)
The New Serenity HRS Transformation App
Bonus #1 - The Serenity HRS App (worth $97)
This is the game changer for your Mind/Heart/Energy systems! This is more than just an App.
It's the foundation of the entire Serenity Program because it helps you:

1) Measure your Heart/Mind alignment (in less than 60 seconds). When your in alignment, you're at peace and in flow with creativity, energy and love.
2) Experience the power of the Serenity Resonance Breathing process (which dissolves and clears any stress or stuck emotions in just minutes)
3) Track your progress day to day and notice how much you've grown and evolved. (this is where the real gifts exist).
Track Your Energy and See Your Progress

30 Day Chart of HRS Scores
Bonus #2 - The Serenity Process (worth $79)
The Serenity Process will help you get to the CORE of virtually any emotional block or challenge and dissolve it right from the roots. This simple but powerful process helps you move beyond the symptom level and access the power hidden within any pain or struggle. This is the KEY to this amazing process.
We never have a problem without the ability to solve it. Once you experience the Serenity Process, you will have a deep new confidence that you can master any project, setback or obstacle that you encounter!
Bonus #3 - Special In-Depth Serenity HRS App Training (worth $99)
The new Serenity HRS App is powerful on its own - but when you know HOW to use it to get the most from it, you will be amazed!
- Learn how to dissolve any stress in less than 60 seconds
- Discover the power of HRS (Heart Resonance Score) to multiply your
- Activate your Heart's intuition to make better decisions
- Experience the amazing Serenity Resonance Breath to increase your clarity and inner peace
Bonus #4 - Serenity Monthly Mentor Series (worth $99)
Each month, you'll receive inspiration, support and guidance from many of the world's experts in personal and spititual growth. Authors like:
- Carol Look (EFT Master)
- Dr. Jeffrey Thompson (Sound Healing Expert - featured in the movie HEAL)
- Dr. Greg Hitter (Creator of Self Questing)
- Dr. Roger Jahnke - Chi Gong Master and leader in the field of Chi Healing
…and many more experts and visionaries
NEW Bonus - Manifesting From the Heart (worth $49)
When you access the Field of your Heart, old limitations and thoughts dissolve and you step into a whole new world of possibility and wonder. What you'll learn in this new bonus will transform how you think, feel and perceive. What once seemed difficult or daunting becomes a new adventure of imagination and possibility.
As you experience the new shifts in your life, you'll realize just how much power your Heart actually has. You begin to create new "Neural Networks" in your brain that inspire your mind and body to manifest your intent - in alignment with your Essence. What an incredible state of being to experience!
When you combine this new bonus (and how it helps you raise your vibrational energy) with the Serenity Program, you step into a whole new world of inspired energy and abundance.
Let's Review What You Get

PLUS - You get our 30 Day Guarantee
If you don't experience greater calmness, inner peace and clarity
with Serenity than any program you've ever used,
simply return it for your full money back.

Paul Bauer
You have my personal promise that The Serenity Program will be one of the most powerful programs you've ever experienced - or your money back.
Why wait even one more day to let go of the old emotions and programs that have held you back from being your True Self?