Madisyn Taylor

Unlock The Power of Your Body
Dr. Kim Deramo

Your body isn’t a physical object to be shaped up, manipulated, or fixed. It is a powerful electromagnetic technology that when unlocked, can manifest amazing things!
Join me for today’s episode of MindBody TV and learn about the power of your body and how to ignite it to invite vitality, abundance, and love into your life and the lives of those around you!
In this video, Dr. Kim talks about the technology of the body, specifically for women, and how to activate it to be a manifestation tool that invites vitality, abundance, and love into your life.
Your body isn’t a physical object to be shaped up, manipulated, or fixed. It is a powerful electromagnetic technology that can manifest amazing things when unlocked.
When you understand the technology of the body, it not only allows healing, but also activation and awakening. It allows abundance to flow through your life. For this to happen, it is essential to get out of your mind and begin to connect with your body.
When you go deeper into connecting with your body, you allow manifestations in your life. This manifestation doesn’t just impact your health, but also your relationships, your wealth, and all areas in your life that contribute to your well-being.
Stop seeing your body as an object that has to be fixed. When you are willing to sense and feel what’s happening in your body, you begin to come into connection with it and it becomes more alive.
When you can be in alliance with your body, it immediately responds. This creates a powerful electromagnetic shift. Embrace what is instead of fixing it. When you embrace where you are, how you are, as you are, it ignites a powerful electromagnetic shift that unlocks the power of your body.
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Madisyn Taylor