What If You Could Literally Melt Stress In Just Minutes A Day?

What Is Serenity?
Serenity is an easy to use program to measure and optimize your Heart, brain and energy balance. Virtually anyone can use Serenity to feel better in just minutes a day.
Serenity's mission is to help people release the built up stress that affects people in all walks of life. No one is immune to stress, but it can be shifted and mastered with practice.

What Does It Do?
Using the camera built into your phone, Serenity accurately calculates your Heart Resonance Score (HRS). Beyond the standard method of heart rate analysis, Heart Resonance is a measure based on over 50 years of research in HRV (Heart Rate Variability), which has been proven to be the number one predictor of our health and longevity.
Serenity helps people get immediate and scientifically proven feedback on how their thoughts and emotions affect their body and energy system.
In as little as just a couple of minutes, people can experience measurable improvements in their HRS. Serenity is the new way for anyone to have an objective method (based on science) that improves their mind/body energy and how they feel.
This Daily Practice With Serenity Does Three
Important Things For You...

It dramatically lowers your overall stress levels and decreases your blood pressure the number one cause of heart disease and ill health.
It dramatically lowers your overall stress levels and decreases your blood pressure the number one cause of heart disease and ill health.

It opens up your creativity and feeling of aliveness and passion
It opens up your creativity and feeling of aliveness and passion

It gives you a profound sense of connectedness and clarity
It gives you a profound sense of connectedness and clarity
When you use Serenity, within just minutes, you'll begin to feel the stress of your day begin to melt away. And with daily use, you'll be able to remain calm - even when stressful thoughts or events occur.

"Serenity is a wonderful tool and friend to my body"
that reminds me just how resilient my body can be. I work in the realms of body, psyche, mind, intuition, emotions, soul, dreams, spirit, intention, consciousness and intelligence of organ systems. I need impeccable self care in order to fully present and available to the people I serve, I need to be at the “top of my game” and fully attuned. Just like an athlete needs great sports gear, and the right coach, Serenity helps me stay on track and keep myself in peak performance.
When I get my Serenity readings, I have such honor and respect for my body’s capacity to renew and support me. It reminds me to follow my body cues when I need to slow down and rest too. It makes me so happy to follow the rhythms of my Heart and breath.
I’m so grateful for this amazing nervous system regulating tool. What a great time to be alive with the advances in technology that help keep us so healthy. Thank you to the Serenity creators."
Erin Diedling - MEd, LCPC, SEP - Founder of Lift Counseling, PC and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

"Serenity is truly a gift of modern technology."
"Serenity is an absolutely indispensable program for anyone interested in health. It’s like having a secret window into how your body is handling stress. But it’s so much more than that. Imagine having the ability to know when to give yourself some extra care so that you don’t completely tax your immune system before you even know you need it. Your HRS will become your new best friend! Serenity is truly a gift of modern technology.
To be able to measure the level of underlying stress in our body gives us the ability to address it before we get sick or depleted and it adds huge value to our health journey. I recently contracted Lyme Disease and although I caught it early and used all treatment methods at my disposal (both traditional and alternative), it was Serenity that helped me know I was on the mend. My HRS scores revealed that even though I was still tired, I was handling the stress like a champ and I was overcoming the challenge. I’m so glad I had Serenity to help me through.
~ Cyndi Dodick OTR/L - Wilmette, IL

"Brings Me Back into the Present Moment"
The Serenity program has been a great tool to check in and assess how present I am in the midst of my busy day. It helps me recalibrate my Heart Resonance which really helps to bring me back into the present moment. I love that I can do all of it right from my phone without having to get any other extra accessories which I have not experienced with other apps.
I especially love that it's an excuse for me to take brief moments throughout my day to simply pause and check in with myself which inevitably helps me be more productive in the long run.
Ginette Slaiher - Arlington Heights. IL

"The Possibilities Are Infinite"
As one quickly develops a working relationship with their easy-to-use Serenity program, they begin to understand and appreciate its potential in bringing to their attention to systemic (body/mind/spirit) issues that are reflected in their HRS score.
Over time, the user experiences the program's ability to reliably measure their unique situation by bringing to their attention the need for a correcting action, suggesting balancing responses, and confirming that action's effect on their overall wellbeing. The possibilities of this kind of accurate, reliable feedback tool for wellbeing are infinite and only depend on compliance by the user.
Dr. Greg Hitter, PhD - San Luis Obispo, CA

The New Serenity HRS
Transformation App
This Is The Game Changer For Your Mind/Heart/Energy Systems!
Each day, you use Serenity to tune in and check your Heart/mind energy. And even when your scores are low, you practice the powerful Serenity Breath technique to bring you back into flow.
Each time you use Serenity, you strengthen your nervous system to be more resilient. This resilience shows up in every part of your life.
Take The Serenity
FREE Trial
Serenity Course with 9 Life-Changing Modules
Bonus 1 - The New Serenity HRS App
Bonus 2 - The Serenity Process
Bonus 3 - Serenity HRS Training Modules
Bonus 4 - Manifesting From the Heart
Total Value - $423
Save over 70%
The Serenity Program
Serenity Course with 9 Life-Changing Modules
Bonus 1 - The New Serenity HRS App
Bonus 2 - The Serenity Process
Bonus 3 - Serenity HRS Training Modules
Bonus 4 - Manifesting From the Heart
Total Value - $423
Just $97
Save over 70%

You have my personal promise that The Serenity Program will be one of the most powerful programs you've ever experienced - or your money back.
Why wait even one more day to let go of the old emotions and programs that have held you back from being your True Self?
Paul Bauer
You have my personal promise that The Serenity Program will be one of the most powerful programs you've ever experienced - or your money back.
Why wait even one more day to let go of the old emotions and programs that have held you back from being your True Self?
Paul Bauer