Paul Bauer
I've Been Helping People Transform Stress Into Focus, Energy And Results For The Past 20 Years
Dear Friend,
Dear Friend,
Ever feel so stressed that your nerves feel like frayed wires...?
Are your stress levels affecting your job, your finances, and even your relationships...?
Are you ready to eliminate your stress (for good) so you can get back in the groove and live life on your terms...?
My name is Paul Bauer and in my book, The Serenity Breath...
I'd like to show you how you can overcome stress in your life with a simple process that takes just a couple minutes to do each day.
Dear Friend,
Ever feel so stressed that your nerves are like frayed wires...?
Are your stress levels affecting your job, your finances, and even your relationships...?
Are you ready to eliminate your stress (for good) so you can get back in the groove and live life on your terms...?
My name is Paul Bauer and in my book, The Serenity Breath...
I'd like to show you how you can overcome the stress in your life with a simple process that takes just a couple minutes to do each day.

Paul Bauer
I've Been Helping People Transform Stress Into Focus, Energy And Results For The Past 20 Years
This method clears literally any stress (financial, career, love or health) - right from the roots - to maximize your energy, focus and creativity.
The Serenity Breath process was created during one of the hardest times of my life. Since then, I've perfected it to help you:
Inside The Serenity Breath, I'll share the exact process you'll use to melt stress like butter, restore the energy that it drains, activate your mind, open your Heart, sleep better and live a quality of life you used to only dream of.
It Takes Only 57 Seconds And The More You Use It, The Stronger You Become
To be brutally honest, life wasn't always so simple for me. I used to avoid stress like the plague. There were times that my stress levels were so high that I felt like I was in a maze - and had no idea how to get out.
Little did I know that by avoiding the stress, I was creating more of it! And once you learn the Serenity Breath process for yourself, you’ll save enormous amounts of wasted energy and heartache..
Why, its so easy to learn, you can teach it to your to kids (even with their tendency to get distracted so quickly).
It's that easy! And executives, doctors, nurses, professionals, business owners, performers, athletes and people of all kinds like you use The Serenity Breath to clear and decrease their levels of stress in just minutes.
...and you will too!
The Serenity Breath - The New Standard in Mind/Body Healing
When you're stressed, your mind and Heart fall out of alignment. Sometimes, if one thing goes wrong, it can wreck your whole day.
But what if?
What if you could shift back into flow in just 1 or 2 minutes, so you could get back into momentum to create the results you want most
Because when you're in flow, everything seems to fall into place. You feel good. Your decisions come naturally. Your connections with people go smoothly.

The Serenity Breath - The New Standard
in Mind/Body Healing
The Serenity Breath -The New Standard in Mind/Body Healing
When you're stressed, your mind and Heart fall out of alignment. But when you're in flow, everything sees to fall into place for you. You feel good. Your decisions come naturally. Your connections with people go smoothly.
Sometimes, if one thing goes wrong, it can wreck your whole day.
But what if?
What if you could shift back into flow in just 1 or 2 minutes, so you could get back into momentum to create the results you want most
Heart Resonance - What is it and how can it help you?
At the center of this flow is what is known as Heart Resonance. Simply stated, when your mind and Heart are in balance with each other, you feel the resonance between them.
It's based on the field of HRV (Heart Rate Variability) - considered by the world's leading doctors, researchers, athletes and peak performers to be the gold standard in Mind/Body performance and healing.
The Serenity Breath helps you balance your mind and body and optimize your HRV.
The Benefits?
When this occurs, your Heart awareness is activated and your mind automatically lets go and you feel a deep sense of inner peace. Your overall energy increases. But something else wonderful begins to happen.
Your brain is bathed in renewed energy that comes from your Heart. Oxytocin, serotinin and other powerful neurotransmitters flow through your brain and body in just minutes and you come back into flow. You feel creative, inspired and your vibration has increased dramatically.
The Serenity Breath process helps you feel connected, inspired and part of the Oneness of all creation.
There are few experiences in life more powerful than that feeling!
Which of these benefits will The Serenity Breath help you the most?

Which of these benefits will Serenity help you most?
Which of these benefits will Serenity help you with most?

"I absolutely love the Serenity Breath!"
"I absolutely love the Serenity Breath! It helps to bring focus to my day. When I have focus on my breathing I become heart centered. As we go through our day the everyday stressors can and do affect our energy. The Serenity Breath helps me stay centered which helps to eliminate my stress."
~ Katie Lamb, Boise, Idaho

Diane Mcdonald | Bodyworker
"I felt an amazing energy shift"
I've been teaching meditation and breath work for over 20 years and I can honestly say that the Serenity Breath is the simplest and most powerful method I've ever used to calm my mind and to relax my body. I share it with all of my clients and the results they get are just amazing!
- Diane McDonald, Wauconda, IL

"Brings me back into the present moment"
The Serenity Breath helps me know that stress is just a distraction. I use it every time I feel tension or anxiety and I'm amazed how well it works! It helps me recalibrate my Heart Resonance which really helps to bring me back into the present moment.
~ Ginette Slaiher - Arlington Heights. IL

Greg Hitter |
"The simplest way to clear stress
I've ever found"
"When I first began using the Serenity Breath, I was amazed how quickly it helped me feel relaxed again. I've been studying breath work for many years but this process is so much easier to use and I share it with many of my patients"
~ Dr. Greg Hitter, PhD - San Luis Obispo, CA

"I absolutely love this program!"
I absolutely love the Serenity Breath! It helps to bring focus to my breathing. When I have focus on my breathing I become heart centered. As we go through our day the everyday stressors can and do affect our energy. Th eSerenity Breath brings me back to focus with my breathing which helps to eliminate my stress.
~ Katie Lamb, Boise, Idaho

"Brings me back into the present moment"
The Serenity Breath has been a great tool to check in and assess how present I am in the midst of my busy day. It helps me recalibrate my Heart Resonance which really helps to bring me back into the present moment.
~ Ginette Slaiher - Arlington Heights. IL
Bonuses You Get With The
Serenity Breath Book
Bonus 1 - The One Minute Stress Cure
Here’s how to eliminate stress in less than 60 seconds with this simple, powerful process. The best part of using the 1 Minute Stress Cure is how it helps re-claim the energy back from the very things that stress you most.
Bonus 2 - The Abundance Process
In these uncertain times, the The Abundance Process will help attract the flow of money, love and radiant health. It helps you tap into powerful forces and create a magnetic field within you - attracting the things and people you want most. What’s magical about this process is it also helps you clear any subconscious fears of having what you want.
The Abundance Process will expand what you think is possible by letting go of scarcity thoughts and transforming them into abundance thoughts (and in your reality!) Imagine the possibilities...
Bonus 3 - The Serenity Daily Ritual
Each day you awake, you begin in a state of resonance and gratitude. The Serenity Morning Ritual is the perfect way to begin your day with energy, inspiration and clear-minded focus.
Bonuses You Get With The Serenity Breath
Bonus 1 - The One Minute Stress Cure
Here’s how to eliminate stress with this simple (yet powerful) process in less than 60 seconds.
People just like you are using this amazingly simple 3 Step method to knock stress out - right from the roots. It takes a few minutes to learn and you can use anywhere, anytime you feel stress and want to clear it for good!

Bonus 2 - The Abundance Process
Even in uncertain economic times, the Abundance Process will help attract the flow of money, love and radiant health.
It helps you tap create a magnetic field within and around you to the things and people you want most. What’s magical about this process is it also helps you clear any subconscious fear to having what you want.
Bonus 3 - The Serenity Daily Ritual
How I begin literally every day with energy, inspiration and clear minded focus. In this method, you’ll discover the best ways to clear your mind, dissolve any negative emotions and tap into your intuitive powers at will.
Let's Review What You Get
Get The Serenity Breath Book + All 4 Bonuses

Get The Serenity Breath Book + All 4 Bonuses

Here's Some of What You'll Discover
In The Serenity Breath
Lesson 1 - Learn how to become aware of your thoughts and feelings. This crucial first step creates the foundation for making the changes you want most and creating the goals and dreams that you long for.
Lesson 2 - The Breathing Test. This simple process will help you discover if your breathing is out of alignment (and specifically what you can do to bring it back into alignment). I learned this from a therapist many years ago and it has changed the entire course of my life for the better.
Lesson 3 - You’ll learn the #1 cause of all stress in your life. You'd never build a house on a bad foundation, and in this lesson I'll teach you how to check your foundation if it has any "cracks" and how to fix those cracks and restore your mind and body.
Lesson 4 - How your body mirrors your thoughts and feelings and how to listen to your body's messages to harmonize your mind and body so they work together. You’ll learn the four steps of calming your mind and relaxing your body so you can apply them in your daily life.
Lesson 5- How one simple act of noticing your thoughts can dramatically clarify things in your life. By doing this one simple step, it will freer your mind and emotions so you can focus on what you want most
Lesson 6 - The more intense a stressor the more capacity you have to grow from it. This shift of awareness will open your mind and give you clarity in some of the biggest challenges in your life. Gone are the days that you'll be hoping for the stress to go away. Instead you use stress as an opportunity for growth
Lesson 7 - The Power of the Serenity Breath Process. You'll learn the steps of this Serenity Breath and how to apply it two melt stress in less than one minute. And the more you practice it stronger you become
Lesson 8 - The research behind the Serenity Breath. Why and how it works so well to eliminate stress because it gets right to the root of what causes it.
Lesson 9 - How to turn off The Fight or Flight Response. When you practice the serenity breath, you literally deactivate the fight or flight response
Lesson 10 - How to control the stress hormone (Cortisol) your body. Left unchecked, cortisol can damage your brain and body due to the years of chronic stress. You'll learn how to decrease your cortisol levels and optimize your brain and body health
Lesson 11 - Learn the groundbreaking research proving it's NOT stress itself that's so draining. The people that live the longest and have the highest quality of life view stress differently than people who had shorter lifespans and felt unfulfilled.
Lesson 12 - How the combination of shifting your mindset PLUS the Serenity Breath = dramatic results. Gone are the days of being at the mercy of economic ups and downs, relationship challenges, job issues and the restless mind syndrome.
Lesson 13 - How to find your inner "North Star”. You'll uncover the “best GPS ever created". And it's within you. Once you make this shift, nothing can stop you.
Lesson 14 - Why using the Serenity Breath in the real world works so well. And how simple it is to apply to "take the edge off" and get back into creative flow your day.
Here's everything that's included:
Just $4.99

PLUS - You get our
LIFETIME Guarantee
If you don't experience greater calmness, inner peace and clarity with The Serenity Breath than any program you've ever used, simply return it for your full money back.

Paul Bauer
You have my personal promise that The Serenity
Breath will be one of the most powerful books you've ever experienced - or your money back.
Why wait even one more day to let go of the old emotions and programs that have held
you back from being your True Self?
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